Puzzle Quest 3 is the third installment of a production series that began in 2007 and combines elements of RPG and match-3 games. The game was developed by Infinity Plus Two and released by 505 Games. The project is distributed in a free model with micropayments (free-to-play).
Game Overview
DEVELOPER: Infinity Plus Two / Infinite Interactive
GAME MODE: Single Player / Multiplayer
GENRE: Puzzle / Fantasy / RPG Elements / 2D
Puzzle Quest 3 PC Download – Review:
Puzzle Quest 3 PC Download is a direct continuation of the first part of the series. The production takes us to the fantastic World of Etherium, over which the spectre of doom hangs. Players take on the role of heroes whose actions will shape the fate of the entire land.
As in the previous parts of the series, in Puzzle Quest 3, we travel the world and perform various tasks, as well as numerous clashes with opponents. As we progress, we develop our character, so we can face more and more challenges. What sets this title apart from most other RPGs is the clash mechanics, drawing hand-in-hand from games like Bejeweled. Skirmishes are based on the rules of match-3, so after a face-to-face meeting with an opponent, our eyes are shown a board filled with colored crystals. Combining at least three elements of the same color, we perform a variety of actions – from attacking the enemy, through the healing of the character, to replenishing the supply of Mana. Of course, the more elements of the same color we combine, the better the effect of our action will be.
Puzzle Quest 3 PC Download has colorful graphics made in a pleasing to the eye, cartoon style.
How to Download and install the game Puzzle Quest 3:
- Download Puzzle Quest 3 PC Installer.rar by clicking the button below.
- Extract the file to your desktop using WinRAR.
- Run the .exe file and click the download button.
- Follow the instructions and wait for the installer download game.
- After the installation process, adjust the game settings by clicking the button SETTINGS.
- Play Game.
Minimum PC System Specs:
- Processor: Intel Core i3
- RAM: 4 GB
- GPU: Intel HD 5000
- Storage: 3 GB
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Puzzle Quest 3 PC Download