SD Gundam Battle Alliance is an action RPG based on the popular Japanese multimedia brand. The game was developed by Bandai Namco Entertainment.
Game Overview
PUBLISHER: Bandai Namco Entertainment
GAME MODE: Single Player / Multiplayer
GENRE: RPG / TPP / Science fiction / Mechs and Robots / Manga and Anime / Cooperative / Action RPG
SD Gundam Battle Alliance PC Download – Review:
According to the title, the game is based on the Japanese science fiction brand, which was launched by the animated series Mobile Suit Gundam aired in 1979. SD Gundam Battle Alliance PC Download takes place in an alternate reality known as G: universe, where the events of the main storyline canon have been curiously distorted. To this strange dimension go heroes from different across the brand. Their job is to rectify these stories and restore them to their original character.
SD Gundam Battle Alliance PC Download is a classically realized Japanese action RPG. While playing, the player controls a powerful mech, traverses large maps and fights with hordes of enemies and various bosses. Each mission is based on the famous sequence from the animated hits of the brand, but is presented in a modified version, which the player must straighten with their actions.
The skirmish system is highly dexterous. Our machine is armed with a rich arsenal of firearms, but it can also use the energy sword and other tools for short-circuit clashes.
SD Gundam Battle Alliance PC Download allows you to play in single player mode and cooperative multiplayer, where up to three people fight frame by frame against AI-driven enemies.
How to download and install the game SD Gundam Battle Alliance:
- Download SD Gundam Battle Alliance PC Installer.rar by clicking the button below.
- Extract the file to your desktop using WinRAR.
- Run the .exe file and click the download button.
- Follow the instructions and wait for the installer download game.
- After the installation process, adjust the game settings by clicking the button SETTINGS.
- Play Game.
Minimum PC System Specs:
- Processor: Intel Core i3-6300 or AMD Ryzen 3 1200
- RAM: 4 GB
- GPU: GeForce GTX 1060 or Radeon RX 480
- Video Memory: 2 GB
- Storage: 25 GB
SD Gundam Battle Alliance Screen 1
SD Gundam Battle Alliance Screen 2
SD Gundam Battle Alliance Screen 3
SD Gundam Battle Alliance PC Download