Hard West 2 is the second installment in a series of tactical turn-based strategies, launched in 2015. Unlike the first part of the series, which was created by CreativeForge Games, the title described is the work of ice code games.
Game Overview
DEVELOPER: Ice Code Games
PUBLISHER: Good Shepherd Entertainment
GAME MODE: Single Player
GENRE: Strategy / Fantasy / Turn-Based / Tactical / Western / RPG Elements
Hard West 2 PC Download – Review:
Hard West 2 PC Download takes us on a journey to the so-called strange West-a variation on the theme of the wild west, enriched with fantastic elements. The main character of the game is gin Carter-a famous criminal who collects a group of similar butchers and attacks the ghost train, filled with federal gold. As the name of the band did not come out of nowhere, the band’s attempt to make a leap of life quickly turns into a real struggle for survival. To regain his soul, Carter must go after the devil himself.
In hard west 2 we watch the action from a bird’s eye view. The adventure takes Carter and his team through a variety of lands. Among them you will find, among other things, dry wastelands, pioneer towns and snow-covered, mountainous regions. During the game, we lead a team of outlaw slaughterers into battle. In addition to Carter, who is a typical bandit from the wild west, we will find in it The Witch Flynn, the Indian warrior called the laughing deer or finally the revived old man bill, whose only goal is to go back to eternal rest.
The engine of the game is a variety of missions, during which we come, among other things, to attack trains, take part in horse chases or fight duels on the beaten earth. The story is shaped by our choices. The choices we make also affect the loyalty of individual team members, which translates into their effectiveness in battle.
The clashes take place in turn-based mode, and during them we must first of all show tactical sense, carefully deploying team members and making use of their special abilities. Carter’s projectiles penetrate certain surfaces, Flynn is able to teleport from place to place, laughing deer charges at enemies, inflicting them with powerful injuries, while the lead-stuffed old man bill is able to shoot projectiles stuck in his targets. In addition, the Hard West 2 PC Download has implemented a bravura system, which rewards us with renewed action points in exchange for making a series of kills.
How to download and install the game Hard West 2:
- Download Hard West 2 PC Installer.rar by clicking the button below.
- Extract the file to your desktop using WinRAR.
- Run the .exe file and click the download button.
- Follow the instructions and wait for the installer download game.
- After the installation process, adjust the game settings by clicking the button SETTINGS.
- Play Game.
Minimum PC System Specs:
- Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E4700 2.6 GHz or AMD Phenom 9950 Quad Core 2.6 GHz
- RAM: 4 GB
- GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 or Radeon RX 550
- Video Memory: 2 GB
- Storage: 30 GB
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Hard West 2 PC Download